
Know the 'gardeners'

Setting out on our path, two best friends, holding Bachelor's degrees in science, stumbled upon an unexpected passion that would eventually shape our entrepreneurial venture. Our story is one of serendipity, where the road to our dream business took an unforeseen turn, guided by friendship and a shared commitment to wellness.

Originally aspiring to channel our scientific knowledge into the realm of medicine, we found ourselves facing a challenge closer to home—caring for our own hair without ample resources. Enter Lydia, a supportive roommate and confidante, who not only shared invaluable tips on hair care but also emphasized the transformative power of self-care.

The dream of entrepreneurship had always lingered in our minds, initially manifesting as a vision of braiding hair. However, as fate would have it, our true calling emerged in the form of hair oils. Inspired by the properties of rosemary oils for hair growth, we concocted a unique blend that would soon become the cornerstone of our business.

With unwavering support from friends who stood steadfastly behind us, I took on the role of the artisan, committed to bringing our vision to life, while my friend excelled in networking. The journey began with crafting the hair oils and showcasing them on social media, where the response surpassed our expectations. Positive feedback flooded in, reinforcing our belief that we had stumbled upon not just a business opportunity, but a calling.

Rooted in friendship and dreams

With unwavering support from friends who stood steadfastly behind us, I took on the role of the artisan, committed to bringing our vision to life, while my friend excelled in networking. The journey began with crafting the hair oils and showcasing them on social media, where the response surpassed our expectations. Positive feedback flooded in, reinforcing our belief that we had stumbled upon not just a business opportunity, but a calling.

For us, it was a revelation—this was what we were meant to do.

For us, it was a revelation—this was what we were meant to do. The fusion of science, friendship, and a passion for hair care culminated in the creation of a business that goes beyond the surface, delving into the realms of self-care and empowerment. Our story is a testament to the unexpected paths life takes us on, and the beauty that can be found when passion meets purpose.










Reduces Breakage


Adds Shine


Treats Dandruff

Embracing & Enhancing the Beauty of Your Crown